By Rachel Hester

Women Wednesdays is a social, mentoring organization that helps women with life during college and the transition after graduation by promoting campus resources. As a new student at FSU, Women Wednesdays is an awesome organization to join if you’re looking for career advice or if you’re looking to meet people and make friends. Joining this organization in college will allow for you to diversify yourself with FSU’s student body as well as help you make the connections you need to make a career for yourself.

Next week, on Wednesday, November 3rd, Women Wednesdays is having a guest speaker come from Thomas Howell Ferguson, Allison Harrell, to discuss what it has been like for her in the predominantly male accounting industry and what her journey was like before she got to starting at THF. This will be a great experience for those not only looking to major within the College of Business, but for any woman looking to push into industries that are seen with statistically a less number of women. Not only do we see this in technology-focused majors, but we see this in STEM fields commonly too. This will provide an opportunity to show what it’s like to be in a field less commonly sought out by women and why you should get involved.

The event on November 3rd starts 6:30 and goes until 8PM and it will be in the Innovation Hub, Room 112. To keep up with Women Wednesdays, you can follow them on Instagram @womenwednesdaysfsu and if you are a woman in high school looking to get involved at FSU your freshman year, this is a great organization to do so! FSU’s College of Communication & Information also has a separate Instagram: @getinvolvedfsu and website: if you are interested to see what FSU and FSU STEM has to offer within the CCI.