Our Mission

The “CONNECT” site provides information to high school students interested in STEM programs.  FSU College of Communication & Information (CCI) has been visiting K-12 programs since 2006 providing resources, student talks, and workshops.

Building on our history of academic excellence and community service. this site is maintained by current CCI students to prepare and inspire high school students in STEM areas.  The efforts also provide service opportunities for our college students as they give back as servant leaders.

The site will provide:

·      Links to Videos

·      Links to programs and tools for learning

·      Links to our College Ambassadors

The site was launched by the STARS Alliance at FSU (Students & Technology in Academia, Research & Service) whose goals are to increase the participation of women, under-represented minorities, and persons with disabilities in IT/computing disciplines through multi-faceted interventions.

– Ebe Randeree

Associate Dean, College of Communication and Information 

Meet the Team



The High School CONNECT team is made up of student leaders that are a part of the College of Communication and Information. Their goal is to help prepare and inspire high school students to get involved in STEM.

Want to hear more of what the team has to say?

807DF090-7003-48E0-952D-8923F8FC6DE5 - Julia McLane
Julia McLane
Kelly Newbrough headshot
Kelly Newbrough
Isabella Escobar headshot
Isabella Escobar
Cam Chisolm headshot
Cam Chisolm
Kimberly Sapp
Kathryn Manning headshot
Kathryn Manning
Jessica Cox headshot
Jessica Cox
Ebe Randeree
A big thank you to the College of Communication and Information and State Farm for their resources and sponsorship for this project.​